I truly do believe that I have been given the most valuable gift that anyone can ever receive, the insight and the knowledge I am sharing here, on this website.
This gift is the ability to decide what I want to think and what I want to feel and so, what I do and create with my life and the system of how to apply that, to make it real.
My whole life has completely changed and I want to share that precious gift with the world.
I wasn't always the happy, successful, chilled out person I am now, for a great deal of my life I would say I was the complete opposite.
I was brought up in a large council estate, with a single unemployed mother, who was also a narcissist, I was designated the role of back sheep and my narcissist sister, the golden child. Both of which spent as much of my life as I lived there tearing me down mentally and emotionally.
I was told consistently I was a burden, I was unwanted, there was something wrong with me, I was weird, I always wanted and asked for too much, that by the way I didn't deserve. Everything I ever tried was mocked, everything I ever did was torn down.
As you can imagine this led to some pretty intense mental and emotional issues.
At 16 years old I was out in the world on my own, knowing I had no-one to help or support me and no-one who cared.
As a young adult I suffered from eating disorders, abused drugs and alcohol, constantly attempted suicide (which I was, luckily no good at).
I suffered from severe bouts of depression and anxiety.
I felt like I was trapped.
I literally didn't know where to turn.
It was then that I started to learn how to implement the benefits of meditation into my life.
I began to learn how I could decide what I wanted to think or feel.
In short, I began to heal.
So much of our lives are run on automatic pilot, directed by what we are taught by the world around us.
Our beliefs, our thoughts, our feelings and so our words, our actions and our manifestations are just ideas and beliefs that we were taught, often by people who know little more than we do.
We move from one stage of our lives to another following the path we were given, what we were taught about ourselves and the world around us, often, not questioning there is another way.
We often seek escape from this by looking outside ourselves for our salvation, through other people and relationships or through our job or money is simply by numbing the pain until, as often happens, we are overcome by anxiety or stress or depression.
Never knowing that the answer lies within us, within our power.
However, this information is not always presented in the most helpful ways.
We are often told what to do about it, but not how to do that, not how to bring that into our lives in a moment to moment, day to day manner.
Sometimes we uncover the fact that our minds direct our feelings
but we are not told how to change those thoughts
We understand that we run on automatic pilot 96% of our lives
but not how to change those automatic thoughts to more helpful ones.
Your mind truly is an amazing tool, if harnessed and utilised correctly.
Your mind controls your perception, your experience, your emotions, your actions and reactions and your manifestations.
Don't believe me? Well imagine this for a moment.
You are driving along a road and someone cuts you up, driving crazy and you and they both nearly crash and come to a shuddering holt
you are so angry and annoyed and you jump out of your car and rush over to their car ready to give them a piece of your mind
They wind down their window and sitting in the drivers seat is someone you love and you haven't seen for years.
In one single second everything has changed.
How are you feeling now?
Ok, lets try another thought experiment
You walk into a room and there's a snake in the room
you are terrified
then you realise that the snake is rubber...
its not even real.
How do you feel now?
Still terrified?
Still doubting the power of your mind?
Well try this little experiment.
Lets take a moment to close our eyes and think of the following
No doubt each of these would have made you feel different things, just by closing your eyes and thinking of them.
They may have even caused physical changes in your body, sensations or feelings.
The funny thing is, each person will also have a different image, thought and reaction to each of these different situations.
Some people will react with happiness, some people sadness.
For example, someone may react fondly to the idea of Christmas and think of all the wonderful Christmas's they have had. Someone else however may have had some terrible Christmas's and even the word will bring up feelings of sadness or anger.
Its not just about the power of your mind to alter the way you think and feel its about your perceptions and judgements too...
and we all have perceptions and judgments
usually caused by our experiences and unless we decide we wish to change them and do so
they will continue to remain exactly as they are.
That is why I created Star Mindwork.
To bring the power of meditation and mindfulness and the knowledge of how
to utilise meditation and mindfulness and other supportive strategies, to change your life for the better
in a way that supports you actioning these changes in your life in the most helpful way possible.